My name is Benjamin because my father had 5 children in total and I am the last. So Benjamin Jezequel, pronounced 'jé-zé-kel', Ramon as his middle name. I have always loved drawing.
From a young age, in a blended family, I have always been fascinated by art. And to tell you the truth, I even think it was creativity that attracted me the most. The art of doing things differently, or creating something distinct. And then, why make something beautiful when you can make beautiful something useful. I discovered the terms of design, research, object design.
So, for lack of studying art, in my teenage bedroom, I alone imagine another solution to make my wishes come true. Without help, without any contacts or skills in my family, I stubbornly want to create clothing bearing my label.

We tend to talk about who we are. I will tell you about what I am not. I love beauty, ingenuity but above all I love sincerity and reliability. You will not find here a narrator or a thirsty merchant with the desire to sell you soulless basics. Each of my pieces has its uniqueness.
Besides, I don't like fashion, I like the design of clothing, it's not the same. I feel more like a designer than a stylist. My brand was not created by a personal brand manager nor a businessman, nor a storyteller, nor a guy from HEC, nor a large commercial group, no, it was created - and is run - by me, Benjamin , a bold person, close to human reality, close to people's problems.

Number 1
everything was invented...or almost
To think that everything was invented... or almost. When I have an idea for a piece of clothing, I don't start by trying to draw the idea. I go online and do research on the item of clothing that interests me. I see how my colleagues around the world have solved the few problems that arise in designing this garment and I think about how I can solve them myself.

Number 2
Make things better
When I talk about linking the beautiful to the useful, what I mean by that, while remaining in my place, is arriving at this garment that I call “perfect”. It’s also trying to transcend clothing as it exists today. Because for me, there are too many imperfections in the clothes we find on the market today. Some meet my requirements but for others, I think there is still a possibility of progress, of changing things.

Number 3
In the future, I will continue to develop my current activities by offering an ever greater diversity and number of products, by extending to other wardrobes, by not only making clothing but also accessories or objects, in short by offering you, in all areas, products selected or designed by my hands.

Since 2009
Creating a garment is not an easy task
Clothing, in reality, is a work in itself. Creating a piece of clothing is more complicated than painting a picture. For what ? Because clothing is intrinsically linked to the human body, that is to say it is totally dependent on it. A painting, we paint it, we hang it on a wall, it has no link, no problem, with the wall. Clothing has something to do with the human body.
What complicates things is that in this human body, there is an intellect, a conscience, which judges things, therefore which judges me, and even which judges me twice, as an artist and as a wearer of the garment, it is for me the double punishment. Yes, clothing design is a complicated field and while many artists – especially architects – have dabbled in it, few have insisted.
As my name suggests, I am the creator and facilitator of my structure. I will be the one to respond to your emails and communicate with you via social networks. And so on. I am very committed to ensuring that you have a good customer experience with me. Looking forward to chat with you.